
Model celoletnega turizma v gorskih centrih vzhodne Kanade (Quebec) in trenutne aktivnosti


Gorski centri v kanadski pokrajini Quebec so po velikosti in strukturi primerljivi s slovenskimi. Njihova glavna ciljna skupina so aktivni Kanadčani iz Quebeca (70 %) ter zahtevni gosti iz tujine in drugih delov Kanade (30 %), ki po proizvodih posegajo preko celega leta. Quebeški gorski centri si zato prizadevajo ponuditi atraktivne produkte za različne ciljne skupine. Veliko pozornost pri tem namenjajo skrbnemu načrtovanju in marketinškim aktivnostim.Izkoristite priložnost in se udeležite webinarja, na katerem bo Sylvain Audet, ki že več kot deset let opravlja različne funkcije v pet zvezdnih hotelih in letoviščih, turistični organizaciji ter smučarskih središčih Quebeca, predstavil model celoletnega turizma.

Na dogodku sta sodelovala tudi predsednik Zbornice gorskih centrov Slovenije pri GZS Damjan Pintar in Manuela Božič Badalič, predsednica Združenja slovenskih žičničarjev.

Posnetek webinarja:



Mr. Audet worked as General Manager, Marketing Director, Lodging Director, Customer Service Director, and more in five-star inns and resorts, Tourism Bureau, and ski areas in the Eastern Townships of Québec (Canada) for over ten years. Since 1992, he has worked as a consultant in the leisure and tourism field for private enterprise, trade associations, and government agencies. He has developed a unique expertise in benchmarking, creating business plans, development planning, feasibility studies, market research, and marketing in the tourism and leisure industry and, especially, in the domain of alpine skiing. Over the last fifteen years, Mr. Audet has completed many mandates for the Atlantic Ski Areas Association (ASAA), the Quebec Ski Areas Association (ASSQ), the Ontario Snow Resorts Association (OSRA), and, the Canadian Ski Council (CSC),. He has completed many mandates for small areas in Eastern Canada from Benchmarking to Development Planning. Mr. Audet holds a MBA from Université Laval (Québec City) and a B.Com in Tourism Management from Université du Québec à Montréal (UQÀM).
