

Veplas Trade je eno izmed podjetij v skupini Veplas, ki je bilo ustanovljeno maja leta 2014. Prisotni smo na področju športa in prostega časa, saj ponujamo pester izbor najrazličnejših izdelkov, kot so otroška igrala naravnih linij in materialov, ki smo jih dodatno nadgradili še s programom igral za otroke s posebnimi potrebami, otroški tobogani, zunanje fitnes naprave za odrasle in otroke, najrazličnejši telovadni sestavi, gasilske čelade, dodatki za terase, plezalne stene in oprimki, hidroterapija, kadi twinline in še mnogo drugih zanimivosti.


Veplas Trade is one of the companies in the Veplas Group, founded in May 2014. We are present in the field of sports and leisure, as we offer a wide selection of various products, such as children's toys of natural lines and materials, which we have further upgraded with program of games for children with special needs, children's slides, outdoor fitness equipment for adults and children, a variety of gym formations, fire helmets, accessories for terraces, climbing walls and handrails, hydrotherapy, twinline baths and many other attractions.