


Željka Kelkedi 

T: 00386 1 58 98 104 


Acronym AWARE
Name of the project Enhancing the level of cybersecurity awareness in VET related to digital transformation


Cyber attacks against SMEs are on the rise (77% of cybercrime), as SMEs represent an easy target (65% of SMEs have no data security policy). As SMEs account for 99.8% of all enterprises in the EU, they are and will continue to employ today's VET students. Furthermore, many companies say that young people leaving education are not ready for the workplace. More than 40% of businesses in Europe looking for ICT specialists say they have difficulty finding the right people.

AWARE project aims to develop didactic approaches, methodologies, and curriculum content to develop cybersecurity awareness and competencies, as stated as a priority for the VET sector. The transition to Education 4.0 also requires learning mechanisms that more closely mirror the future of work. These shifts in learning experiences must be accompanied by vetted innovative pedagogies—teaching principles and strategies that underpin learning. To foster this kind of thinking, VET system, through the AWARE, shifts from a process-based, to a problem-based approach to learning. In the AWARE project we have created considerable, measurable, and concrete impact on a number of target groups and stakeholders which play an active role in the VET system, its planning, implementation, quality management and development of relevant policies.


The main objective of the AWARE project is to address the increased risks related to a more digitalised world in general, on the individual level and in everyday life, in school, at work, at home, and more specifically, in relation to VET, the risks coming from the digital transformation of the industry. It focuses on “building skills for the 21st century” and “support new approaches to teaching and learning” (COM/2012/0669 final) and responds to one of the two strategic priorities of the Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027), namely enhancing digital skills and competences for the digital transformation.

Therefore, the specific objectives are as follows:

  • to address digital transformation through digital readiness, resilience and capacity, by developing innovative learning and teaching resources - didactic methods, approaches, tools and content - and thus enhancing digital and cyber security skills and competences for the digital transformation, as it addresses the increased risks related to a more digitalised world in general, and more specifically, in relation to VET, digital transformation of the industry;
  • to raise awareness, empower and equip participating organisations with basic knowledge in the field of cybersecurity
  • to raise awareness and educate on cybersecurity issues among VET learners and teachers related to the digital transformation of industry and organisations
  • to raise awareness and educate on cybersecurity issues among VET learners and teachers on individual level, in everyday life
  • develop AWARE Knowledge Base, Masterclass and Self-assessment Kit to introduce VET teachers and learners with cybersecurity issues
  • to demonstrate the need and the potential for VET-business cooperation in order to enhance cybersecurity related competences of VET teachers and learners
  • to foster permeability of VET by encouraging VET learners to seek educational and career opportunities in the field of cybersecurity to reach policy makers in order to strengthen the placement of cyber security in VET.

Duration 1. 1. 2022 – 31.12.2023
Programme Erasmus+