
The 27th Day of Slovene Paper Industry and the 50th  International Annual Symposium DITP are organised under the heading:

Nuances of the Future

“The traditional paper industry’s view of the future is by no means a one-way road

– nor is it in general – but rather a busy multi-lane road...

Every company, every individual, everyone is looking for their own way

in today's rapidly changing world, their own nuance of the future…

The future therefore manifests itself in many nuances, but we all strive in the same direction – the direction of development, sustainability and decarbonization.”


Among the Nuances of the Future, our attention this year will be devoted to:

·         An overview of market conditions for the paper industry and current developments by the president of the Paper and Paper Converting Industry Association, Mr. Leopold Povše

·         The view of the economist dr. Andrea Bolta on geostrategic and economic world conditions and the situation in Europe

·         The contribution of the director of the European Association of Paper Manufacturers (CEPI), Jori Ringman, on the economic and political perspective of the newly elected European Parliament and the most current legislative challenges for the paper industry

·          We will hear from HR expert Ms Saša Boštjančič on the topic of what employers who are interested in competent staff look like today

·         Cybersecurity, which is one of the biggest risks today, is something we are all too little aware of

·         In the round table, we will focus on the energy future of Slovenia in the light of energy-intensive industry and other current aspects of the future...

 The programme is in preparation.