
Projekt H2020 TRUE - niz spletnih seminarjev o stročnicah

Na Inštitutu "Jožef Stefan" bodo v aprilu in maju v okviru projekta TRUE (TRansition paths to sUstainable legume based systems in Europe) organizirali niz webinarjev, ki so namenjeni širšemu krogu udeležencev, ki jih zanimajo vsebine povezane s stročnicami:

- Digging-in to legumes and the potential of the Legume Innovation Network (sreda, 14. april, 10.00-12.00)
- Optimising legume production (torek, 20. april, 10.00-12.00)
- Legume based value chains, farm gate and beyond and the market (četrtek, 22. april, 10.00-12.00)
- The diversity of end uses for legumes (torek, 27. april, 10.00-12.30)
- Pushing the boundaries in legume breeding (četrtek, 29. april, 10.00-12.00)
- Science, innovation and the empowerment of legumes (torek, 4. maj, 10.00-12.30)
- The role of policy in the transition of legume production and consumption in Europe (četrtek, 6. maj, 10.00-12.00)
- Bringing the Legume Innovation Network together (torek, 11. maj, 10.00-12.30)

Podrobnejši opis in program je na voljo na spletni strani projekta TRUE.
