Ekskluzivni koledarji ALPRA DESIGN že 25 let nadaljujejo tematiko avtomobilskega oblikovanja in predstavljajo umetniško stran avtomobilizma skozi oči oblikovalca Aleksandra Praperja. Na njih so vsakič na drugačen način upodobljeni novi koncepti avtomobilov, ki ne pripadajo obstoječim znamkam. Zaradi tega so koledarji ALPRA DESIGN globalno edini nevtralni avtomobilski koledarji. Z leti so prerasli v zbirateljske koledarje, zato je vsak izvod omejene serije oštevilčen in podpisan . Več informacij na: www.alpra.com
For 25 years the exclusive ALPRA DESIGN calendars have been promoting the unique automotive design theme. They represent artistic side of automotive sector through the eyes of the designer Aleksander Praper. 12 car concepts are designed every year and presented in a different way each time. Designs don’t show cars of existing brands, which makes the ALPRA DESIGN calendars globally the only neutral car calendars. Over the years they have grown into collector calendars, therefore each copy of the limited series is numbered and signed. More information on: www.alpra.com