Razvoj, projektiranje in izdelava avtomatskih robotiziranih strojev ter naprav, kjer so implementirane stroge zahteve kakovosti avtomobilske industrije (100% sledljivost, 100% ponovljivost, 100% kontrola kakovosti, 100% kontrola procesa). Smo integrator proizvodnih procesov – tako strojnega, kot programskega dela. Naši izdelki so povezljivi z drugimi stroji v okolju. Z njimi komunicirajo ter zbirajo procesne podatke za takojšnjo obdelavo in odločanje. Naši izdelki so pripravljeni na zahteve Industrije 4.0 in pametnih tovarn prihodnosti.
Development, design and production of automated robotised machines for production processes where demanding automotive industry standards and specifications are applied (100% traceability, 100% repeatability, 100% quality control, 100% process control). We are an automotive production process integrator – hardware and software-wise. Our products are interconnected with other machines in the surrounding environment. They communicate with with them and collect process data for immediate usage and decisionmaking. Our products are ready for Industry 4.0 requirements and to be integrated into Smart plants of the future.