Skupina TPV je eden vodilnih razvojnih dobaviteljev avtomobilski industriji, specializiran za sklope karoserije ter podvozja, komponente in elemente avtomobilskih sedežev ter tesnila motorjev. Ob tem razvijamo in ponujamo tudi celovite rešitve za avtomatizacijo proizvodne logistike z lastnimi avtomatsko vodenimi vozili (AGV) ter druge rešitve za pametne tovarne. Področje delovanja dopolnjuje program lahkih tovornih prikolic ter prodaje in servisa vozil. Zaposlujemo več kot 1.200 ljudi na 6 proizvodnih lokacijah.
TPV Group Corporation is one of the leading automotive development suppliers specializing in chassis, body-in-white, seating metal structures and engine gaskets. Additionally, we develop and provide complete solutions for automation of production logistics (automated guided vehicles being the main product highlight) and other solutions for smart factories. Furthermore, we develop and produce light transport trailers and have a car dealership. We employ over 1.200 people at 6 manufacturing sites.