
E(U) Leaders


Nina Vrabelj

Acronym E(U) Leaders
Name of the project The leaders of tomorrow


The E(U)-leaders project responds to the EU high priority on boosting the e-leadership and digital competences, thus amending the mismatch between the skills available and those demanded for digital transformation of the economy.
Therefore, the aim of the project is to foster the competitiveness and productivity of businesses and organizations through the development of strategic e-leadership skills necessary for entrepreneurs/employers/leaders/managers ( as well as VET trainers, educators and mentors) to manage their teams effectively and efficiently within virtual working environments. The project will contribute to the development of a complex and reliable set of digital tools and approaches for e-leadership skills assessment, development, evaluation, and certification, thus addressing the needs of the labour market and supporting the digital transformation of businesses.
The aim of the project is to foster the competitiveness and productivity of businesses and organizations through the development of strategic e-leadership skills necessary for entrepreneurs/employers/leaders/managers, as well as VET trainers, educators and mentors, to manage their teams effectively and efficiently within virtual working environments. The project will contribute to the development of a complex and reliable set of digital tools and approaches for e-leadership skills assessment, development, evaluation, and certification, thus addressing the needs of the labor market and supporting the digital transformation of businesses.
With this in mind, the objectives of the project are: 
• To create an e-leadership model by mapping strategic e-leadership skills, competencies and approaches organizations communicate within virtual working environments 
• To identify common high-tech leadership skills’ needs within virtual working environments, both at personal and strategic/organizational levels 
• To identify effective web-based tools and approaches in managing virtual working environments and teams successfully 
• To develop and assess e-leaders’ strategic e-leadership skills through web-based teaching and learning approaches • To create a certification framework which will define both the e-leaders curriculum and the skills assessment process.
Five main project results will be developed: 
PR1: Guidebook of inclusion of best practices on suitable digital working environments 
PR2: E-Leadership Model adopted within tech-based and non-tech-based organisations 
PR3: E-Leaders High-tech Course for entrepreneurs/employers/leaders/managers/VET trainers/mentors/educators 
PR4: The High-tech Course will be available on the e-learning platform
PR5: Certification framework of e-leadership skills for defining the certification scheme

Duration 1. 12. 2021 – 31.12.2023
Programme  Erasmus+