Gaia-X Roadshow Ljubljana
“Kaj podatkovni prostori prinašajo za podjetja”
7. september 2023, 9:00 - 12:00
GZS, Dvorana A
Pridružite se nam 7. septembra 2023 na GZS na ekskluzivnem dogodku Gaia-X Roadshow Ljubljana. Namen dogodka je združiti podjetja, odločevalce in zainteresirane deležnike v Sloveniji, ki so ključni pri oblikovanju podatkovnih prostorov.
Naj izpostavimo dve temi:
- Poglede na prihodnost in nastajanje evropske digitalne pokrajine bo z nami delil izvršni direktor Gaia-X organizacije Francesco Bonfiglio iz Bruslja,
- Projekt EUProGigant ter njihov Use Case na področju proizvodnje: Ideal Component Matching pa bo predstavil Roman Gehrer, Research Assistant na TU Wien.
Ne zamudite te priložnosti za povezovanje, sodelovanje in raziskovanje novih možnosti za trajnostno digitalno prihodnost vaših podjetij.
Več o projektu EUProGigant ter njihovem Use Casu: Ideal Component Matching:
EUProGigant is a research project carried out by an Austro-German project consortium which aims to build a multi-location, digitally connected manufacturing ecosystem. This ecosystem shows how value for customers and manufacturing firms can be created through the added value based on the practical implementation of smart and sovereign use of data. This empowers European industry and supports its contribution to the sustainable development of Europe.
Ideal Component Matching Use Case - When assembling assembly groups in mechanical engineering, the assembly components must be manually matched for accuracy of fit due to different manufacturing environments and methods. Manufacturers often compensate for the deviations in focus by using specially manufactured components with high dimensional accuracy. Here, the project team has developed an automated matching of the individual parts taking into account the tolerance deviations - the so-called component matching service. On the developed platform (based on the Gaia-X framework and a Web3 technology stack of delta DAO AG), information from different data sources is brought together, which enables an optimized assembly of the components. This creates added value, which is reflected in the reduction of the time required for manual assembly and in a reduction of waste part.
Ta ekskluzivni dogodek bo ponudil tudi ogromno priložnosti za mreženje in vaša vprašanja.
Veselimo se vaše prisotnosti na dogodku!
Organizacijska ekipa Gaia-X Hub Slovenia, IKT Horizontalne mreže in ZIT-a