

Human resources development

Human Resources development is crucial for the long-term achievement of worked-out objectives, which is why SRIP HRANA treats HR development as a crucial element in the success rate of the strategy. Our work will include forecasting of long-term competence needs, identifying deficits in current and future competencies, and using and developing appropriate programs for upgrading and recruiting the necessary competencies.


Internationalization is divided into two main standpoints that are ultimately connected:

  • development-oriented internationalization: promotes partnerships in European projects, partnerships with other foreign companies, and cooperation and networking of Slovenian experts with experts or companies from other countries and/or inclusion in international projects, and
  • foreign market oriented internationalization: promotes and provides Slovenian companies with assistance and research, when companies are looking to enter a new foreign market.
Information and communication technology (ICT)

In order to achieve higher competitiveness, we need to improve digitalization across all five action pillars. SRIP HRANA with its partners in different fields, including ICT, provides excellent foundation for implementation and improvement of ICT in the agri-food sector. As a challenge, we have recognized the lack of digital competencies, establishment and organisation of information databases and higher cyber security. In order to achieve this, we have joined a partnership ICT – horizontal network to work alongside with their members towards wider implementation of newest information and communication technologies.