SRIP HRANA is a long-term Strategic Research and Innovation partnership for Sustainable Food Production. It has developed into a dynamic community of agriculture holdings, companies, cooperatives, research institutions, investors and other interested parties, whose main interests are focused on improvement of research and development activities in the companies for the purpose of agri-food sector development.

Here you can find presentation about the activities.


SRIP HRANA strives to become the main national contact point for companies and research institutions to promote networking and cooperation of ambitious and development-oriented parties in the area of agriculture, food science technology, as well as nutrition and other related areas.



The mission of SRIP HRANA is individual growth and development of our members, as well as the growth and development of the agro-food sector and consequentially the entire Slovenian economy.



The main activities of SRIP HRANA focus on all-around support of interested parties, which have investment potential and are oriented towards development and breakthrough of the agri-food sector.




SRIP HRANA aims to arise developmental orientation of all potential production and processing food value chains. Furthermore, it aims to form modern and sustainable operations of chains, which will ensure uninterrupted supply of high-quality food products on the domestic market as well as a developmental breakthrough on the global market. A primary interest of SRIP HRANA is progress /growth /evolution /development of those in the agricultural chain who exploit the natural and structural features while ensuring the supply of products to their population. Unlike other economic activities, it is necessary to provide solid and development-oriented chains in the area of food production and processing, which also provides economically rational shares in ensuring food security.

In line with already, defined objectives to focus on an area of Sustainable Food Production (part of Smart Specialization Strategy) the primary focus of SRIP HRANA is going to be:

  • Guidance of agri-food system and value chains to ensure sustainable production and processing of food with higher quality and recognized traceability;
  • Development of new marketing models to improve position on domestic, European and global market;
  • Human Resources development and growth of competences to improve the transfer of knowledge, technologies, entrepreneurial activity and, consequently, the competitiveness of the agri-food system;
  • Development of new integrated products with greater functionality for consumers, catering and tourism, with a focus on short supply chains.