Emotional intelligence:
Emotional intelligence is a new vision of intelligence. It was “discovered” by Daniel Goleman in the 60es. It was proposed as an integration of the usual intelligence analysis tools used by psychologists and Personnel Recruitment and Selection operators.
These were giving a relevant importance to “rational” intelligence in order to evaluate people to be chosen and recruited in companies. This new wave gave a new and reinforced relevance to the psychological and emotional aspects, with a particular strength regarding business relationship.
In Business Transfer processes emotions play a very important role and they should be more considered than it usually happens.
Communication skills:
Communication skills are those specific skills whose aim is to let external and internal business people feel “warmly” involved in your objectives.
There is a basic difference between Information and Communication.
- Information is cold: they are data, and formal ways to transfer data of different kind:
We could say “In-form-action”. Its basic components are the technical ones.
- Communication is warm: it means to involve people by sharing ideas, data, aims, ideals.
We could say: “In-common-action”. Its basic components are the human ones.
In order to practice an effective Communication you should be focused on two aspects at least:
- The human communication components. It must be clear that human communication has three basic components:
- Verbal communication: regarding what we say, the words we pronounce our sentence;
- Paraverbal communication: regarding how we say, the way we pronounce our sentence;
- Non-verbal communication: regarding what we don’t say, the words we don’t pronounce but which can be “deduced”
from our behaviour.
After several reliable researches, these 3 aspects are composing the final result more or less 1/3 – 1/3 – 1/3.
- Practicing an effective Communication. In order to practice an effective communication you must do your best in order to use your interlocutor’s cultural and practical code. Sometimes maybe this one will be an elegant English, or French, sometimes a jargon, a dialect language. Moreover, you should try to get a feed-back from your interlocutor, in order to understand whether your message has been correctly decoded, then correctly understood.