Partnerstvo projekta sestavljajo štiri nacionalne ekipe gospodarskih združenj, nacionalnih inštitucij in šolskih centrov iz Slovenije, Slovaške, Latvije in Hrvaške:

Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije – Združenje kovinske industrije
Vodilni partner
[EN] Metal Processing Industry Association at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia – CCIS-MPIA (Applicant organisation) is an independent, non-governmental, professional association, organized within the framework of CCIS, representing the interests of its member companies. Its main mission is to take positions and propose policies relating to the social partners (social dialogueand collective bargaing), legislatition and government institutions as well as towards their domestic and international associations. It is also a member of various European institutions like ORGALIME and CEEMET.
In the scope of its framework, the Association is actively involved in the development of professional skills, elimination of skill gaps, collaboration with VET representatives, and knowledge sharing in order to enhance the metal processing industry.
Ga. Janja Petkovsek

Center RS za poklicno izobraževanje
[EN] The Slovenian Institute for Vocational Education and Training is a public institution founded by the Government of the Republic in 1995. In accordance with the basis provided by the Organization and Financing of Education Act, the Institute conducts research, development and consulting.
The following are the Institute’s main areas of operation: studying development trends in the labour market and preparation of occupation profiles as well as competently conceived occupational standards, development of methodologies and preparation of modern, module-based education programmes for pre-secondary and secondary vocational education and secondary and college expert education, monitoring the process of the introduction of education programmes, evaluation of final examinations and vocational matura and development of new methodical and didactical concepts of knowledge, learning and teaching, development of modern education tools and education technology, participation in EU networks dealing with vocational and technical education, National EUROPASS Centre, representation of Slovenia within the European Skills Promotion Organisation (ESPO) and at the EUROSKILLS competition in vocational skills AND promotion and encouragement of vocational education,
National Reference Point for quality assurance in the field of vocational education SIQA-VET
G. Davorin Majkus

Šolski center Celje
[EN] School Centre Celje (SCC) is a public educational institution, has more than 50 years of experience in the field of vocational education and consisting of Secondary School of Chemistry, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Secondary School of Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics and Media, Vocational College AND Business training center - MIC.
Over 3000 students on secondary level every year, 800 students in higher education (tertiary level) and over 1000 adults over the various programs of formal and informal education and training, over 300 employees, mostly highly qualified teachers in various professional fields.
SCC has (among 300 employees) 8 highly competent and educated experts in mechatronic, plus a lot of experts, indirectly connected to the profession of mechatornics ( mechanical, electronical and informatic engineers), with all needed pedagogical and didactical competences.
G. Denis Kač

The Association of Electro-technical Industry of the Slovak Republic (ZEP SR)
[EN] ZEP is an independent, voluntary professional association and an official representative of companies in the metal sector in Slovakia. It was established as an independent, voluntary, apolitical and open-economical organization which associates enterprises in heavy current electrical engineering, electronics and telecommunication production, research, development and projection as well as related activities, especially informative means. One of the basic aims of ZEP SR is to help associated companies in establishment of a new commercial and business environment.
G. Andrej Lasz
The State Vocational Education Institute (ŠIOV)
[EN] The State Vocational Education Institute (ŠIOV) was founded in 1994. It is the only organization which fulfils tasks in the field of secondary vocational education and training in the Slovak republic. The Institute provides services for nearly 600 vocational schools where about 70% of students are taught and trained.
The mission of ŠIOV is an expert and methodological management of secondary vocational schools, its activities are aimed at analyses and assessment of current educational programs and implementation of new ones, development of state curricula, standard design methodologies and graduate profiles, assessment and certification, content and methods of vocational education, development of educational projects, development of pedagogical documentation and textbooks, provision of expert-advisory and pedagogical activities. It also serves as the training establishment in the context of life-long learning including the further training of educators.
Ga. Lucia Iľková

Secondary Technical School, Stará Turá (SOSST)
[EN] Stredna odborna skola, Stara Tura (Secondary technical school) is situated in the west of Slovakia in the Trencin region. Number of staff: 50, number of students: 300, school comprises a hall of residence and a school canteen. It is associated of 2 former independent schools, one of them originally founded as the only secondary technical school focused on medical electronic equipment in Slovakia in 1968 and the other was vocational school focused on engineering and electrical technology founded in 1948.
Today it is Secondary Technical School focused on vocational education and training in engineering and secondary education in graphic systems and information technologies. We all work hard to get a good level of our school, our students leaded by experienced teachers have reached a lot of success in regional, national and international competitions in there branch of study. They participate at various projects of cooperation with the Slovak and Czech firms which deal with similar activities as our school.
G. Milan Duroška

The Association of Mechanical Engineering and Metalworking Industries of Latvia (MASOC)
[EN] Association of Mechanical Engineering and Metalworking Industries of Latvia is a voluntary public non-profit organization founded at 1994 as informative and consultative center for specified industrial sector joining more than 150 companies today. The goal of Association’s activities is to promote the development of the metalworking sector, mutual cooperation and professional growth of the specialists in the sector. Members of the association account for more than 80% of the total output produced by Mechanical Engineering and Metalworking sector in Latvia.
G. Andris Sekacis

National Centre for Education (VISC)
[EN] National Centre for Education (VISC) is a public institution subordinated to Ministry of Education and Science. In the field of vocational education one of its units ̶ Unit of Vocational Education Curriculum Development ̶ provides development of occupational standards and curriculum, provides unite development of content of state centralized examinations and coordinates the organisation of the national qualification examinations, provides consultations and methodological support for educational institutions, supports and coordinates development of methodological materials, coordinates teachers’ in-service training, organizes professional skill contests.
Ga. Laura Strode

Vocational Education Competence Centre “Riga Technical College” (RTC)
[EN] Professional Education Competence Centre “Riga Technical College” (PECC RTC) – a VET with a 77-year experience of sustained development has been cooperating with the Latvian and foreign educational institutions in order to improve the quality of education, workmanship of educators and trainees’ qualification to meet the demands of the Latvian and EU labour markets. Professional Education Competence Centre “Riga Technical College” is an educational institution with a many years’ experience of training specialists meeting the demands of the labour market, of improving the quality of vocational education and teachers’ professional competence in step with technology development in Latvia and the EU.
Ga. Anda Kazusa

Croatian Employers’ Association (HUP)
[EN] The Croatian Employers' Association (CEA) is a voluntary non-profit independent employers' association. CEA is a confederation, encompassing 29 sectoral associations. It has more than 6,000 members with 500.000 employees, representing about 70% private sector income.
CEA promotes entrepreneurial spirit and entrepreneurial rights and freedom, protecting private property, promoting development and regulation of market business operating conditions, strengthening of competitiveness and entrepreneurial climate. It was founded in 1993 as a voluntary non-profit independent employers' association. Ever since 1994, when the Economic and Social Council was established, the CEA has been the only representative employers’ organization.
HUP provides expert advice, statistics and research; lobbies on issues of interest to business; provides education and trainings, as well as higher education and VET related actions aimed at meeting employers’ needs for qualified labour force. HUP has been actively engaged for many years in the development of Croatian Qualifications System, institutional framework for the development of the VET occupational standards, qualifications and curricula, their implementation and modernisation of VET.
CEA has actively participated in national sectoral VET councils together with key stakeholders -Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education, Croatian Chamber of Craft, policy makers, VET providers, employment services, schools, trade unions etc.
Ga. Marija Šutina

Agency for VET and Adult Education (ASOO)
[EN] Agency for VET and Adult Education is a key stakeholder in VET and Adult Education in Croatia. It was established in 2010 by merging two agencies that existed since 2006 (Agency for VET) and 2007 (Agency for Adult Education). It has 97 employees.
Main activities: Development of VET qualifications and curricula; Development and implementation of Quality Assurance System in VET; VET teacher in-service training and promotion; Adult education educators in-service training; Expert and pedagogical monitoring of VET school; Student skills competitions; Development and implementation of international projects
Agency is very active in the field of international cooperation (ETF, Cedefop, UNEVOC, CPI-Slovenia, etc.) and projects (EU and other donors founded). Its representatives are involved in various EU networks, ie. EQAVET, ECVET and also represent Croatia in ACVT and DG VET.
G. Nino Buić

Strojarska tehnicka skola Fausta Vrancica, Croatia (STSFV)
[EN] At the moment 799 students are enrolled in 32 homerooms. The school has 4 four-year curricula: mechatronic technician, computing technician, vehicle technician, mechanical technician and 3 three-year programmes: CNC operator, tool pusher and machine tool mechanic. The four-year curricula enable students to continue their education on the university level, and three-year curricula enable students to continue their high school education in 4-year curricula. All the afore-mentioned curricula school carries out in adult education programme.
The school is recognised in the area of the new technologies: CNC machine tools programming and designing of the products using AUTOCAD and CATIA programme. Our teachers further their education by going to other schools working in the afore-mentioned areas. Our school is the organizer and the host of the regional and national competition in the area of appliance of the new technologies in mechanical engineering.
Our goal is to make our students competent for a job in real work environment in order to be competitive in the job market after having finished high school.
G. Dubravko Diklić