Here you can freely download the learning outcomes & learning materials for trainings suitable both for students and employees for the following skills: CAD/CAM, MACHINE VISION, COMPOSITE MATERIALS, READING TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION – Electro and READING TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION – Metal.
All documents are available in the following languages: ENGLISH (below), SLOVENE, SLOVAK, LATVIAN, and CROATIAN.
Training: Composite Materials
Training: Machine Vision
Training: CAD/CAM
Training: Reading Technical Documentation – Electro
Training: Reading Technical Documentation – Metal
CONDITIONS OF USE OF THE MATERIALS "Learning units & outcomes" and "Learning materials"
In accordance with the INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS AGREEMENT on the use of the skillME materials after the completion of the “Skills in Metal and Electro Industry – skillME” project signed by all skillME partners on 20 November 2015, the use, reproduction, distribution and public utilization for educational, teaching, training and research purposes of any of the materials, or parts of them, by third parties is freely and free of charge, provided that third parties are obliged to:
a) Always make full reference to the source of the materials (name of the project and logo of the project – if possible);
b) Always make full reference that the skillME project has been funded under the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission.
The developed curricula have been pilot tested in all participating countries, training over 400 participants – 230 students from 8 schools and 232 workers from 70 companies. The report presents the results of the training with recommendations for future use.
In the first project phase, partners analysed existing data in the field of skill gaps research in order to gain insight into the scope of the issue and form a starting point for further activities. The findings were further explored and upgraded with focus group and interviews with metal and electro companies from project countries. The results gave a clear picture as to the most sought-after competencies and the most endemic skill gaps in the metal and electro industry today.
The aim of the Alliance, which has been created upon the project end, is to disseminate and exploit project results, create an action plan for the accreditation of created curricula in all four participating countries, and strengthen the cooperation and exchange of information on skill gaps and future labour needs among key national and transnational actors.
Overall report on pilot trainings implementation
The developed curricula have been pilot tested in all participating countries, training over 400 participants – 230 students from 8 schools and 232 workers from 70 companies. The report presents the results of the training with recommendations for future use.
General report on findings on skill gaps research
In the first project phase, partners analysed existing data in the field of skill gaps research in order to gain insight into the scope of the issue and form a starting point for further activities. The findings were further explored and upgraded with focus group and interviews with metal and electro companies from project countries. The results gave a clear picture as to the most sought-after competencies and the most endemic skill gaps in the metal and electro industry today.
ALLIANCE FOUNDING DOCUMENT: Alliance for the Advancement of VET in Metal and Electro Industry
The aim of the Alliance, which has been created upon the project end, is to disseminate and exploit project results, create an action plan for the accreditation of created curricula in all four participating countries, and strengthen the cooperation and exchange of information on skill gaps and future labour needs among key national and transnational actors.