The skillME newsletter is aimed at informing stakeholders from the metal and electro industry, manufacturing industries and the general public about the project progress, activities and outcomes. The release of the newsletter is scheduled every six months.
Newsletter no. 6
October 2017
October 2017 marks the end of the three-year collaboration of international partners on the skillME project. Partners implemented 34 pilot trainings and trained over 400 students and employees from 70 companies in the participating countries of Slovenia, Slovakia, Latvian and Croatia from key skills areas. The high interest for the trainings showed that the identified skill gaps are indeed topical and will contribute to improving competences and skills of students and workers, thus increasing the competitiveness of the metal and electro industries and the employability of workers.
The results and achievements of the project were presented at the Final International skillME Conference titled "Good Practices in Skills Development in the Metal and Electro Industry" in Slovenia and three national conferences in other participating countries. See the full report of the final conference and video here and a summary of national conferences here.
All the materials for implementing trainings in the field of Machine Vision, CAD/CAM, Composite Materials and Reading Technical Documentation are openly available for download and dissemination.
All stakeholders are invited to join the newly founded Alliance for the Advancement of VET in the Metal and Electro industry, which will offer a platform for continuous exploitation of project results and sharing of good practices, thus connecting key stakeholders for the advancement of VET in the target sectors and beyond.
For more information, see the final project newsletter:
General public: EN, CRO, LV, SI, SK
Metal and electro industry: EN, CRO, LV, SI, SK
Newsletter no. 5
May 2017
All partner countries are currently finishing the implementation of the developed pilot trainings for pupils and employees of the Croatian, Latvian, Slovenian and Slovakian metal and electro industries in the area of CAD/CAM, Machine vision, Reading technical documentationandComposite materials. The trainings have been implemented by partner and attracted VET providers, and all national teams have organized trainings for all four designated areas for workers as well as students.
For more information, see the 5th project newsletter:
General public: EN, CRO, LV, SI, SK
Metal and electro industry: EN, CRO, LV, SI, SK
Newsletter no. 4
October 2016
In order to overcome skill shortages in the metal and electo industry of European member states, skillME project partners designed four state-of-the-art curricula and learning materials for the most pressing metal and electro skill gaps in the area of reading technical documentation, CAM/CAD systems, machine visionandcomposite materials. All curricula and learning materials have been localized and adapted to country specifics.
In the following project phase, partners will implement pilot trainings based on the developed curricula to evaluate the functionality and adequacy of the curricula in every project participating country.
For more information, see the fourth project newsletter:
General public: EN, CRO, LV, SI, SK
Metal and electro industry: EN, CRO, LV, SI, SK
Newsletter no. 3
April 2016
In the third project phase, partners began designing four curricula in order to fill the identified skill gaps. Each national team of partners, consisting of a VET school, a regulatory partner and an industry representative, took over the design of one curriculum.
For more information, see the third project newsletter:
General public: EN, CRO, LV, SI, SK
Metal and electro industry: EN, CRO, LV, SI, SK
Newsletter no. 2
October 2015
The skillME project set out to identify the most pressing and wide-spread skill gaps in the industry of today and tomorrow and to design tools to help fill those gaps.
The research carried out in the project showed that the most common skill gaps in the metal and electro industry are observed in the field of TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION, CAD/CAM SYSTEMS, AUTOMATISATION and NEW MATERIALS.
For more information, see the secondproject newsletter:
General public: EN, CRO, LV, SI, SK
Metal and electro industry: EN, CRO, LV, SI, SK
Newsletter no. 1
April 2015
Enhancing competencies in the metal and electro industries throughout Europe
Despite a relatively high level of unemployment, there are still vacancies in the metal and electro industry. Due to the rapid development of technology and knowledge, companies are finding it increasingly difficult to find competent workforce that could meet the requirements of their production processes, as out-of-date educational systems and the lack of flexibility are in large part responsible for the widening skill gaps.
For more information, see the first project newsletter:
General public: EN, CRO, LV, SI, SK
Manufacturing industries: EN, CRO, LV, SI, SK
Metal and electro industry: EN, CRO, LV, SI, SK