WholEUGrain Final Conference

(26 October 2022)

The WholEUGrain project has officially come to an end. The speakers from different countries gave an overview of the main achievements in the WholEUGrain project and main activities in relation to whole grains and establishment of the national/subnational whole grain partnerships. The special emphasis was on the establishment of the whole grain partnership in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania and Slovenia. The WholEUGrain final conference was attended by more than 70 people from 17 countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Latvia, Malta, Norway, Romania, Scotland, Serbia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Turkey and United States).




WholEUGrain project

Simon Kristian Rask/Sanne Møller Jensen, Danish Veterinary and Food Administration

The case for whole grain: the evidence base for why investing in whole grain is good for public health

Gitte Laub Hansen, Danish Cancer Society

The journey towards a successful Danish whole grain partnership

Bente Stærk, Danish Veterinary and Food Administration

The transferability of the Danish whole grain partnership to other OECD countries: Findings from a best practice study

Jane Cheatley, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

Baking for better health: challenges and solutions to increasing whole grain

Marika Lyly, Unibake International

How to reach the consumer through different times?

Gitte Laub Hansen, Danish Cancer Society

Experiences from Romania: building a partnership with private sector and promoting whole grains to the public

Livia Cioran, Romanian Institute of Public Health

Experiences from Bosnia and Herzegovina: establishing sub-national partnerships in different contexts and using preschool and school feeding as a vehicle to increase whole grain consumption (Presentation 1 and presentation 2)

Aida Filipović Hadžiomeragić, Institute of Public Health of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Stela Stojisavljević, Public Health Institute of the Republic of Srpska


The journey and next steps for the Slovenian whole grain partnership

Dea Zavadlav, CCIS-Chamber of Agricultural and Food Enterprises

Slovenian whole grain partnership from the perspective of bakery producer

Jaka Lončarič, Don Don d.o.o.

Slovenian whole grain partnership from the perspective of educational institution

Gregor Sok, Education centre Piramida Maribor

Continuation of WholEUGrain project activities

Sanne Møller Jensen, Danish Veterinary and Food Administration

Petra Medved Djurašinović, CCIS-Chamber of Agricultural and Food Enterprises




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