The European agri-food industry is not attracting enough young people to the sector, notably due to unappealing salaries, lack of notoriety of companies and establishment of sites in rural areas. Thus, tensions affect businesses generating a gap between education and the world of work which needs to be overcome.
The main objective of the EntreCompFood project is to build sound European Collaborative Communities of practice (CoCos) and related learning activities to stimulate innovation and entrepreneurship towards students and young entrepreneurs (main targets of the project) firstly in this sector.
Six partners from three EU countries compose the consortium and the project will last 36 months. Three CoCos will be created, consolidated and expanded all over Europe to support the development of entrepreneurial skills with key identified stakeholders. Events will be organised to enhance dialogue at EU, national, and local levels among the CoCos. Thanks to those exchanges, a strategic vision for future developments will be built to allow an appropriate usage of the frame for the sector. The main learning outcomes based on EntreComp will be new curricula covering 6 preidentified EntreComp skills (Creativity, Vision, Motivation and perseverance, Mobilising resources, Working with others, Learning through experience), extracurricular activities (creation of a special EntreCompFood prize rewarding the best adaptation of the EntreComp by young people), assessment for career guidance and usage of the Moodle e-learning platform to give access to the created learning content.
Those new learning opportunities will be tested and assessed towards targets: more than 130 students, young entrepreneurs, teachers/ trainers and 100 European organisations (notably public authorities) are expected to benefit from this project. Dedicated communication and dissemination activities will be carried out to promote the approach and main results of the project at local, national and EU levels.