Organising stakeholder workshop to build and share a common local vision to implement EntreComp

Understanding who are the key players in the field, what are there main activities and their challenges helps to better understand the playing field. The on-line local workshop was designed in a way to get complete picture how best to promote entrepreneurship in agri-food sector and it was replicated in 3 countries. The design could be applied with slight modification to any other topics. It is a good tool to  identify the key challenges faced by various members of the agri-food chain (from students and educational institutions to start-up companies and larger food establishments, as well as political decision-makers) in the field of soft skills or entrepreneurial competences.

The format of these workshop is to facilitate fertile debates among practitioners in order to build and share a common local vision of the challenges, strengths, constraints and opportunities to implement EntreComp framework at local level.

Learn more about the workshop design.

Presentations and documents from the Stakeholders workshop in Slovenia:

1.       Introduction

2.       Success story using EntreCompFood

3.       Working group – steering the debate with support of Mentimeter tools

4.       Example of Mentimer developed during the workshop

5.       Example of the workshop invitation

6.      Instructions for the moderators of the workshop 

The report of the 3 stakeholders workshops organised within EntreCompFood project.

Build your strategy

To help you design and implement your strategy, listen to one of the top experts in business strategy, Miquel Lladó, who shared with us his professional experience in significant executive roles in big, multinational companies. He is also an author of a book Falling in love with the future. In this book the reader may discover Miquel Lladó’s work methodology, and, more importantly, the ideas that have contributed to him creating his own future and reaching high-ranking levels in business leadership. Rich in real-life cases, experienced first-hand by the author.

Watch video that presents ideas from the book Falling in love with the future.

Podcast about entrepreneurship Empezar TV

Spanish national multiplatform streaming channel designed by and for entrepreneurs, called, offers more than 70 programs broadcast and accumulates more than 548,000 views only on Youtube, reaching two million impacts on all its social networks. The world is changing and we don't want to be left out. Within we have tried to include a whole series of resources for entrepreneurship where can be found different videos with key information to undertake and work on entrepreneurial skills. In YouTube videos you can apply the translation to another language.




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Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia

Dimičeva 13, 1504 Ljubljana

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