
Launch of the EIT Community for Entrepreneurship Educators    

November 2022

Check it out!!! It is great opportunity to network on your favourite topic "Entrepreneurship Education". Be up to date with the coming events.

A great way to start is to log in to The EntreComp Community (and encourage others to do the same) and update your profile. You can do this by clicking on your name at the top right of the screen and clicking view profile. Then click on the settings icon and tell everyone a little about yourself and your experience. Don't forget to include your picture!

Join the network. 

Get recognised for your interest in entrepreneurial learning  

September 2022

It’s time to get recognised for your interest in entrepreneurial learning, for the work you do or the change you are creating in this field…

Claim your EntreComp Award – there are different awards for all!

Sign up today. 

New free on-line entrepreneurial courses available!   

May 2022

Check it out!!! 

Course information

Teacher Training On-line Programme: Calling all educators interested in entrepreneurial learning!   

March 2022

The EntreCompEdu online teacher training course is delivered by EntreComp Europe, co-funded by the COSME programme of the European Union.

With the help and support of our experts, the participants will go through the 10 week-long learning journey. At the end of the course, educators will have the skills to design and deliver entrepreneurial education in their classroom. Successful course completers will receive a digital badge and certificate to acknowledge their learning. The programme is free and fully online with resources available in English and Spanish.

Course information, Registration

Celebrating Women in Entrepreneurship 

March 2021

The whole week around 8th of March was dedicated to Women in Entrepreneurship. During Third Peer-Learning Workshop in Women’s Entrepreneurship  important issues in women’s entrepreneurship were discussed:

  • More women should be self-employed and entrepreneurs 
  • Female entrepreneurs face numerous challenges 
  • Women’s careers and representation in innovation should be promoted 
  • Female entrepreneurs need to be strengthened in the COVID-19 context 
  • Targeted next steps to promote women’s entrepreneurship

Watch webinar: Catch up on Women in Entrepreneurship: Inspired by EntreComp 


The general EntreCompFood learning pathway (D3.2)

February 2021

This section is the central part of the structuring of learning in the strategic action plan on learning opportunities. In summary we propose to integrate the general EntreCompFood learning pathway into the framework of existing training pathways in our partner institutions. We recommend that the pathway be integrated into project-based learning, allowing for strong learner involvement and the concrete implementation of the "soft skills" selected in the EntreCompFood project. In each institution, these projects may take different forms in terms of ambition, duration and expected skill levels. This type of "project-based" training will take on its full meaning when it is supplemented by an assessment to support learners, guide them, enable them to objectively assess their level and set realistic progression objectives.  

Read more on The general EntreCompFood learning pathway.

Would you like to start a business? 

December 2020

Watch video from Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs. 



The entrepreneurial employee - WHY?

September 2020

Entrepreneurial employees that drive innovation and change have become a sheer necessity for many established organisations in public and private sector. This newly published report gives a science-based overview of what entrepreneurial employees do, why such behaviours are needed and how any employee can become more entrepreneurial. Being entrepreneurial is not something magic, it is a discipline that can be learned by any employee in private and public sector. Watch the movie.



The EntreComp playbook to help design practical entrepreneurial experience.

August 2020

The playbook is intended as learning exercise itself for those that have little or no experience in designing practical entrepreneurial experience. This EntreComp playbook therefore is not a process guide: it rather provides readers with a selection of orientation tools for them to experiment and create their own map to entrepreneurial teaching and learning. The playbook sets out nine principles that any entrepreneurial learning facilitator should consider when designing entrepreneurial teaching and learning. It also describes three popular entrepreneurial methods and three pedagogical methods that can be adapted to foster entrepreneurial learning.



Commission presents European Skills Agenda for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience

July 2020

EntreCompFood project welcomes several new initiatives included in the updated Skills Agenda, specially  Action 7, on Entrepreneurship Skills. As Nicolas Schmit, Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, said: “The skilling of our workforces is one of our central responses to the recovery, and providing people the chance to build the skillsets they need is key to preparing for the green and digital transitions. It gives everyone the possibility to benefit from new opportunities in a fast-moving labour market.”



Creating EntreCompFood  Collaborative Community in France, Slovenia and Spain

June 2020

The food sector is facing new future challenges, such as how to provide, for growing population, enough healthy food produced in a sustainable way, with limited resources due to climate change. The Covid-19 has impacted also the food chain, which enlightened the need to be proactive and innovative in order to respond successfully to the new situation. Therefore the European agri-food industry wants to attract more young people, that will be able to succeed in tackling existing and future challenges we might face. Besides learning about the agriculture, the food and the nutrition, the future employees in agri-food industry should develop the entrepreneurship competence to stimulate proactive and innovative behaviour. By overcoming the gap between education and the world of work the competitiveness of the food industry will be encouraged.



What does it take to be an entrepreneur?

February 2020 

Digitalisation, environment, equality… 

The European Union is facing new challenges that require citizens with a new outlook. How to act upon these opportunities? The European Commission has developed “EntreComp”, the European Entrepreneurship Competence Framework. It aims to shape an entrepreneurial mindset by identifying its components and creating conversations across different sectors. Discover its two newly funded projects!



Webinar: Catch up on Peer exchange – Assessment tools for entrepreneurship Education  

April 2021

The key topics of this peer-exchange included an overview of entrepreneurship education programs in the Extremadura region for juniors, teens, youth and experts, describing their competency framework and the measurement tools developed but also the presentation of progression models for assessment in entrepreneurship education with the aim of guiding teachers.  

The latest EntreComp Europe Webinar is now available to watch online

“The content of this website represents the views of the authors only and is their sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.”


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