During EntreCompFood project the excel table was developed for easy navigation through the Entrepreneurship competences. Travel through the competence map here.
To familliarise yourself with the entrepreneurial competneces deep dive into the Entrecomp Cards on competences.

Project based teaching
Present problematics to be solved through giving a solution and building an entrepreneurial project.

Overview of the tools available
- Digital tools for increase interaction: Miro, Mentimeter, google tools ...
During the assessment of EntreComp project tools were used to facilitate the learning of entrepreneurial competencies proposed by the project. Some of these tools are intended to be used in different steps while planning the entrepreneurial project. These tools were used during classes and courses to develop fictitious projects but also in real innovative project to shape ideas and assemble a start-up. Depending on the stage of development of the project, different tools were used. In early stages (ideation, product conception, brainstorming…), online tools that helped the creativity process, envision some solutions and spotting opportunities for the development of a product. Some of this tools, Mentimiter, Jamboard, WEBEX and Kahoot!, were used during classes and lectures. The pedagogic body used these the most to support the development of for teaching entrepreneurial competencies in class or during course.
For the further development of projects, when maturing it, more specific tools were used, Vianeo, Moodle/Ideonis platform (part of Ecotrophelia). These helped students and young entrepreneurs to visualise holistically their project and to improve and develop weakenesses.

- Communication platforms (Zoom, MTeams,…), with breakout rooms to boost discussion

"Open chair"
- invitation of lecturers from the industry or entrepreneurs
- presentation of the industry, their work and experiences
- discussion on employment needs and possibilities
Read more on this activities in the EntreComp Food project deliverable D5.1 Pilot project results final report.