Scroll down to discover on-line courses on entrepreneurship competences 

Video: EntreComp

  • Entrepreneurial mindset

  • Learning through experience

  • Ethical & sustainable thinking

  • Motivation

  • Working with others

Free online entrepreneurship training programme for students working on ECOTROPHELIA project

We developed with EIT Food a partnership to offer students the opportunity to follow a free online entrepreneurship training programme that take approximatively 12 hours to complete. 

  • Team building and sustaining momentum 
  • Sustainability and stakeholder value (eco-innovation) 
  • Techniques (1): SWOT and PESTEL 
  • Segmenting the market: Who is the customer 
  • IP and how to communicate it 
  • Techniques (2): Negotiations 
  • Techniques (3): Basics of finance Make or buy: partnering and sourcing 
  • Scaling the venture Techniques (4): Testing the proposition

EIT Food is an initiative supported by the European Union. Its mission? To accelerate innovation to build a food system for the future that produces healthy and sustainable food for all. EIT food invests in projects, organisations and people who share these goals for a healthy and sustainable food system. They also equip entrepreneurs and professionals with the skills to transform the food system and train the next generation. 

 To access their platform, if you are interested, you need to get an access right by filling this form. The training programme will open until 13th of September 2022. It is a really good opportunity to develop your entrepreneurship skills. The programme is free and open to every students working on ECOTROPHELIA project. There are 12 items, a short exam at the end and they deliver a certificate. 

Do not hesitate! Apply now.

EntreCompEdu Online Teacher Training 2022 

In March 2022 The EntreCompEdu online teacher training course is delivered by EntreComp Europe, co-funded by the COSME programme of the European Union. 

With the help and support of our experts, the participants will go through the 10 week-long learning journey. At the end of the course, educators will have the skills to design and deliver entrepreneurial education in their classroom. Successful course completers will receive a digital badge and certificate to acknowledge their learning. The programme is free and fully online with resources available in English and Spanish.

Course information, Registration

Watch Videos about EntreComp - the entrepreneurial competences 

European Entrepreneurship Competence Framework EntreComp

1. Ideas and opportunities: 

Ethical and sustainable thinking: Entrepreneurship is about ethical and sustainable thinking


Vision: Entrepreneurship is about vision

Creativity: Entrepreneurship is about creativity


 2. Resources: 

Motivation and perseverance: Entrepreneurship is about motivation and perseverance 


Mobilizing Resources: Entrepreneurship is about mobilizing resources  

 3. Into action: 

Working with Others: Entrepreneurship is about working with others

Learning Trough Experience: Entrepreneurship is about learning through experience

Other EntreComp Competences: watch the JRC series.


EntreCompFood on-line courses for young entrepreneurs

To support young entrepreneurs in the agri-food sector, tailored entrepreneurial advice and support using the educational material will be offered.

Sign up to our newsletter to be the first to try the course, when available.

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