The development of the entrepreneurial capacity of European citizens and organisations is one of the key policy objectives for the EU and its’ Member States.
COSME supports entrepreneurs by strengthening entrepreneurship education, mentoring, guidance and other support services. Actions support specific groups who may find it difficult to reach their full potential, such as young people, women and senior entrepreneurs. The programme also aims to help businesses access opportunities offered by digital technologies. EntreCompFood project will build synergies with following EntreComp projects.
EntreComp Europe
Project vision is to create national communities with a shared understanding of entrepreneurship as a competence and who get inspired and make it happen. They will create their joint vision of their own EntreComp development pathway and implement the actions that will move them forward in that journey, adapting, creating, appraising, assessing, implementing and recognising EntreComp in multiple contexts across the lifelong learning pathway, to foster the skills and mindsets of entrepreneurial citizens across Europe.
The project EntreComp Europe aim is to increase the quality and uptake of entrepreneurship as a key competence across Europe – underpinned by EntreComp, focusing coordination, development and actions on three pillars:

1. Youthwork and Formal Education (VET / schools teacher training, Learning guides, Youthworker competence framework, Youthworker training programme)
2. Employment and Enterprise (Employment agency staff training, Employability learning resources, Support guides – women’s enterprise creative industry)
3. Assessment and Digitalisation (Open badge series, Entrepreneur selfassessment tool, Non-formal education assessment tool)

"Peer-learning activities in entrepreneurship education and in women entrepreneurship"
Cross-European expert exchange about good practice in developing national and regional strategies and actions to offer young people effective entrepreneurship education, and to support women’s entrepreneurship.
The project considers entrepreneurship education mainly in two ways: as education for entrepreneurship – i.e. acquiring related skills and knowledge – and education through entrepreneurship, i.e. using entrepreneurial activity as a method to achieve certain learning objectives. This concerns the whole sphere of education: from primary over secondary school to university and further education.
The main topics to be addressed in women entrepreneurship include, but are not limited to, enhanced alignment of support on the national level, access to finance, and access to the digital economy. In the project, policy makers, women entrepreneurs and support providers will jointly identify and tackle key hindrances to boosting women’s entrepreneurship in all COSME countries.
More information about Peer Learning project.
"European Training Programme in Entrepreneurship for Educators" – eTime
The European Commission, with its Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) has awarded a service contract to the Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship (SCE) with the title: "European Training Programme in Entrepreneurship for Educators". The main deliverable of the project is to set up, to test, to deliver and to disseminate a training programme in Entrepreneurship that will serve to upgrade the skills and pedagogical tools of educators within higher education institutions. The main objective of the new programme is to reach a critical mass of educators so that entrepreneurship becomes a well-established feature in the landscape of European higher education. The programme will start in February 2020 and run for 36 months.