ENTRECOMP FOOD NEWSLETTER New award within the Ecotrophelia Europe
December 2022
Ecotrophelia competition is an excellent project-based opportunity to strengthen student entrepreneurial competences due to team work, learning by doing and to turn their creative ideas into food products with added value. When creating foods students are thinking about the impact on the planet and human health. During EntreCompFood project Entrepreneurship award was created to support the entree of Ecotrophelia food products into the market. On the following link you can watch participating students testimonials about their experience with Ecotrophelia and Entrepreneurship award.
European Ecotrophelia competition is already going on for several years. Listen to what was the reason to establish it at the beginning and why is it still important today.
Why entrepreneurial mindset is important for all students, independently on their carrier path, either they want to become an entrepreneur or to work as an employee in a company.
The JRC - Joint Research Centre, on behalf of DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, has developed a definition of entrepreneurship as a competence and a reference framework describing it, the Entrepreneurship Competence Framework (EntreComp). It aims to provide evidence-based scientific support to the European policy-making process. The European Commission identified sense of initiative and entrepreneurship as one of the 8 key competences necessary for a knowledge-based society. Learn more about EntreComp framework.
Within EntreCompFood project the entrepreneurship spirit award was created and celebrated at Ecotrophelia 2022. Three main steps to award the winner were:
- Students learnt about entrepreneurship competences and had a possibility to enrol into the EIT-Food on-line training on entrepreneurship Inspire4Ecotrophelia.
- Students evaluate their progress with self-assessments questionnaire.
- Jury selection of a winning team on Entrepreneurship based on their report & product pitch presentation. Read more about Ecotrophelia award.
The first EntreCompFood award was given during the Ecotrophelia Europe Competition 2022 during SIAL. The prize was given to the team which had the biggest average within the chosen set of entrepreneurship competencies. The winner was “Sauces Papillon” a team, that had developed a new conservation technique that is implemented on their process, so it keeps the product fresh after the production. The reason of obtaining the higher score can be explained by the already created company and the establishment of the manufacture from obtaining seasonal ingredients to the production of the sauces. More about Sauces Papillon.
The self-assessment questionnaire for students on Entrepreneurial competences modified by EntreCompFood project offers to measure the development of entrepreneurial skills, which can be evaluated at the start of Ecotrophelia journey and at the end. Understanding their strengths is an important part of being self-aware and taking control of their career. People who understand their strengths have a better grasp of what makes them unique and how their personality impacts their team. Test your competences on Evaluation (gzs.si)
In collaboration with EIT Food Ecotrophelia is offering the students to freely access the Inspire4Ecotrophelia training. The training is a 12hours on-line course on entrepreneurship competences (business plan, etc). Learn more about it on January 19, from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm CET. Registration link.
Read more about this on: On-line courses (gzs.si)
The winners of national editions of Ecotrophelia competitions will bi invited to participate in an on-line coaching session organized with EIT FOOD in September 2023. Follow Ecotrophelia Europe to find out more.
We are pleased to invite you to the EntreCompFood project Final Conference to be held on 26th January 2023 in Brussels. During the first session of the conference the approach of EntreCompFood project to boost entrepreneurship competences during Ecotrophelia competition will be presented; in the second session different actors of European Food System will present initiatives important for innovation in Agri-Food sector.
Stay tuned and follow EntreCompFood on
Project partners
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