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Arhiv: Poslovni forum v Sofiji: predstavitev aktualnih in predvidenih investicijskih projektov s področja infrastrukture, okolja in vodnega gospodarstva, 2. 6. 2010

PODJETJA - ČLANI GZS ZGIGM, GZS ZKG IN GZS ZING TER GZS ZISP STE OSEBNO POVABLJENA, DA SE UDELEŽITE TEGA POMEMBNEGA POSLOVNEGA DOGODKA. Svoj interes sporočite najkasneje do 20. maja 2010 na zgigm@gzs.si ali na telefon 01 5898 242 - tajništvo GZS ZGIGM.

Poslovni forum se bo odvijal 2.6.2010 s pričetkom ob 10.00 uri v prostorih Urada županje v Sofiji. V drugem delu bodo sledila osebna srečanja s predstavniki pomembnejših bolgarskih podjetij iz omenjenega področja dejavnosti.

Potrjeni program: 

Program of the business forum

Sofia, 2 june, 2010

10.00Opening:Mayor of Sofia Ms. Jordanka Fandakova
Ambassador Ms. Darja Bavdaž Kuret
10.15 Presentation of business opportunities in Slovenia
Mr. Borut Gržinič, Director, Chamber of Construction and Building Materials Industry
Mr. Vekoslav Korošec, Director, National Association of Consulting Engineers
Mr. Željko Blažeka, Director, Institute for Environmental Engineering
10.45Presentation of business opportunities in Sofia
Deputy Mayor for Transport
Deputy Mayor for Environment
11.15Introduction of Bulgarian-Slovenian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mr. Vojko Odlazek, Chairman
Introduction of Slovenian companies
11.30 Partner meetings between Slovenian and Bulgarian companies
12.30 Buffet lunch




Mayor of Sofia

Ms. Jordanka Fandakova


Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia

to the Republic of Bulgaria

Ms. Darja Bavdaž Kuret

kindly invite You to a Business Forum

of the Municipality of Sofia and representatives of Slovenian economy, where both the Slovenian economy and the economy of Sofia will be presented to find those promising fields where the cooperation could be better and offer opportunity to make contacts between interested companies.

The Business Forum will take part

on Wednesday, June 2, 2010 at 10.00 at

Municipality Cultural Institute “ Krasno selo”

(Krasno Selo Culture Centre, Tsar Boris III. Blvd. 41.)

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