FRANCIJA: SIPSI portal: nova verzija, 16.7.2019

Francosko Ministrstvo za delo obvešča o novi različici SIPSI portala.

SIPSI portal je elektronski portal preko katerega se prijavlja napotene delavce za delo v Franciji.

Nova, posodobljena verzija tega portala bo stopila v veljavo z dnem 16/07/2019. 

Spremembe bodo sledeče :
- Večjezična platforma (poleg francoščine in angleščine bo odslej dosegljiva tudi v nemščini, italijanščini, španščini)
- Nekatere rubrike se bodo poenostavile, da bi se zmanjšala možnost napak pri vnašanju podatkov,
- Olajšanje za transportni sektor, in podjetja, ki prijavljajo večje število voznikov, 
- Za tuja podjetja novi SIPSI računi in dostop do njih preko njihovega predstavnika, 
- Natančnejše informacije in učinkovitejša orodja bodo na voljo inšpektorjem za delo 
- Možnost vpogleda v platformo za druge kontrolne francoske administracije. 

Ob prehodu iz stare v novo verzijo obstaja rizik izbrisa nekaterih prijav o napotitvi. To velja predvsem za SIPSI račune, ki so bili registrirani v Franciji. 

Opozarjamo, da ste dosledni pri hranjenju teh prijav za obdobje petih (5) letih. To naj velja tudi na splošno za vso dokumentacijo (tudi z vašimi francoskimi komercialnimi partnerji) vezano na Francijo.

Pri delovanju SIPSI vsled prehoda na novo verzijo lahko pride do izpada, tako je že napovedana nedosegljivost SIPSI od jutri 12h00 do torka 10h00.

V kolikor planirate napotitve v tem času svetujemo, da vaše napotitve opravite čimprej oziroma jih posredujete vašim zastopnikom.

Vir informacij: Suzana Crassard

Transition from current version of SIPSI to the new version


Dear Sir or Madam,
The current version of the teleservice will be discontinued on Friday 12/07/2019 at 12pm and the new version will open on Tuesday 16/07/2019 at 10am, at the same address: .


As part of the migration from the current version to the new version of SIPSI, a data recovery of previously submitted accounts and posting declarations was performed. As a result of the changes, some of the data in your account or the posting declarations in it may not be included or be modified. As a precaution, we invite you to archive your posting declarations.


·    Your account will pose a problem because the country of establishment indicated is France. Existing accounts are deemed to be created by or on behalf of a foreign company. This is the reason why these accounts will not be included unless another country than France is chosen before the migration to the new version. If you wish to continue using this account or at least keep the archives, we invite you to change the country associated with the account, this does not change the country of the foreign company indicated in the declarations already submitted.


·    If you are using SIPSI as a client or representative established in France, be aware that new specific accounts will be offered in the new version of SIPSI. However, it is not possible to convert an existing "foreign company" account into a "client" or "agent/representative in France" account. You will also need to use a different identifier.


You can find the main developments related to this new version and an information document to accompany you in the recovery of your account on the new version of SIPSI on the website of the Ministry of Labour.
Please let us know your questions about this new version of SIPSI at

