Arhiv: Mednarodni forum v Kijevu

Priložnost za proizvajalce prehrambenih izdelkov 
(6th annual International FMCG Industry Forum 2012)

V torek, 21. februarja 2012, se bo v Kijevu (Ukrajina) odvijal šesti mednarodni forum, namenjen promociji izdelkov široke potrošnje - FMCG Industry Forum. Dogodek predstavlja predvsem odlično priložnost za vzpostavitev stikov s predstavniki največjih ukrajinskih trgovskih verig in distributerjev prehrane. Podrobnejše informacije najdete na:


FMCG INDUSTRY FORUM – is the main event of FMCG retail in Ukraine. Since 2012, known already more than 3 years to all producers and suppliers of food stuffs, Food Industry Forum changes the name, and becomes FMCG INDUSTRY FORUM. The format of forum broadens, and now the audience of participants and subject of lectures engulfs all market of production and distributions commodities of mass demand. FMCG INDUSTRY FORUM - is the largest and unique ground for meeting of FMCG retailers, suppliers and distributors in Ukraine.

5 reasons to be a participant of FMCG INDUSTRY FORUM 2012:

 •    Speed Networking  (express-acquaintance of participants). Before the forum starts, you will be able to meet all participants in special organized meeting format, talk private to them during 1 minute and exchange personal information.
•    Practical cases.  As part of the forum reports also will be represented the best practices of FMCG-companies in Ukraine in the context of building sales in distribution channels, changes in preferences of consumers, marketing and inventory management in retail outlets.
•    Exchange of contracts. Now for the FMCG producers distributors and importers registered on a forum, we suggest to get more information about possibilities of work with a large retail network in Ukraine. On the ground of forum the special format of the 10 minutes meetings will be organized with the representatives of departments of purchases, STM and import of the largest networks of Ukrainian retail. Month prior to beginning of forum on the web site will appear official listing of participants of Exchange of Contracts. Every registered delegate of forum can plan and conduct 10 minute acquainting meeting straight at the event. This year within the framework of Exchange of contracts of FMCG INDUSTRY FORUM more than 100 meetings are planned.
•    Lobby. The informal socializing with colleagues will allow you to get the unofficial news of the market.
•    Time-out. Changing of usual working situation will newly allow  to give a glance on problems and to invest maximally effectively the expended time in development of company

Contact us:
Meeting Point Ukraine
Tel: +38 (044) 390 7670

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