Na konferenci bo tekla razprava o možnostih za pospešitev digitalnega preoblikovanja ter za krepitev regionalnega sodelovanja na območju zahodnega Balkana. Konferenco organizirata Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije in Ministrstvo za javno upravo, potekala pa bo v Hotelu Golf (dvorana Jupiter) na Bledu. Konference se bodo lahko udeležili samo predstavniki vabljenih podjetij.
20:00 – 22:00
Welcome dinner hosted by Mr Boris Koprivnikar, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Administration of the Republic of Slovenia and Mr Samo Hribar Milič, General Manager of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia Venue: Restaurant Grand, Grand Hotel Toplice
8:45 – 9:00
Arrival of participants Venue: Hotel Golf, Jupiter meeting room
9:00 – 9:20
Introductory address Mr Boris Koprivnikar, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Administration of the Republic of Slovenia Mr Samo Hribar Milič, General Manager of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia Mr Rudolf Skobe, President of the Management Board of Telekom Slovenija
9:20 – 10:45
Implementation environment for efficient digital transformation of society: The Role of the State
10:45 – 11:30
Digitalisation and integration of the economy in the region as a new development paradigm
Mr. Blaž Brodnjak, President of the Management Board of NLB Mr. Drago Kavšek, Member of the Management Board of Mercator Mr. Valter Leban, Member of the Management Board of Kolektor
11:30 – 11:50
Coffee Break
11:50 – 12:15
Future Region – Prosperity needs integration, co-creation and transformation (Big Data in action)
Dr. Mitja Jemol, Jožef Stefan Institute Dr. Ervin Pfeifer, Telekom Slovenija
12:15 – 13:40
Round Table: Challenges of digital transformation in EU countries and in the Western Balkan region
Mr Boris Koprivnikar, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Administration of the Republic of Slovenia Mr Vujica Lazović, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Information Society and Telecommunications of the Government of Montenegro Mr Zoran Stančič, Head of Representation of the European Commission in Slovenia Mr Marko Čadež, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia Mr Luka Burilovič, President of the Croatian Chamber of Economy Mr Igor Zorko, Vice-President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia
13:40 – 13:50
Ministerial Conclusions and Common Digital Initiative- adoption Mr Marjan Mačkošek, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia Mr Boris Koprivnikar, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Administration of the Republic of Slovenia
13:50 – 14:00
Closing remarks
Mr Boris Koprivnikar, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Administration of the Republic of Slovenia
Family Photo