
BuildOffsiteEU - Inoviranje v gradbeništvu z uporabo prefabricirane gradnje

Angleško: Offsite industry towards innovation in the construction sector

Vrsta: Erasmus+, K2, decentralizirani 
Trajanje: 24 mesecev
Začetek: 30/12/2022 – 29/12/2024
Št. projekta: 2022-1-ES01-KA220-VET-000087862
Predstavitev na portalu rezultatov Erasmus+
Bilten projekta: št.1
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Poročilo o industrializirani (offsite) gradnji v izbranih državah EU

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Projekt BUILDOFFSITEEU je inovativen projekt, ki si prizadeva spodbujati uporabo prefabricirane gradnje oziroma gradnje zunaj gradbišča.

Cilj projekta je izboljšati znanje in spretnosti gradbenih delavcev v zvezi s prefabricirano  gradnjo ter spodbuditi večjo uporabo industrijskih gradbenih tehnik v Evropi. Industrijska gradnja bistveno prispeva k prihrankom energije z manjšo uporabo materialov za izdelavo svojih izdelkov, skrajšanjem časa na gradbiščih (s posledično prihrankom pri povpraševanju po energiji) in prednostno uporabo elementov iz surovin z veliko možnostmi recikliranja, kar prispeva k izvajanju načel CE v celotnem proizvodnem ciklu. Projekt temelji na izobraževalnih programih in usposabljanjih, ki jih izvajajo partnerji projekta v okviru  Erasmus+ programom in koordinatorjem projektne prijave Fundacijo Laboral de la Construcción. Projekt ima pomembno vlogo pri spodbujanju inovacij v gradbeništvu ter uvajanju trajnostnih in učinkovitih gradbenih praks. S svojimi izobraževalnimi programi bo prispeval k dvigu znanja in krepitvi spretnosti gradbenih delavcev ter spodbujal uporabo prefabricirane gradnje, ki omogoča hitrejšo in ekonomičnejšo gradnjo ter zmanjšuje vpliv na okolje. 

Novice iz medijev o takem načinu gradnje:
FINANCE: Iztok Polanič: »Tako ne gre več!«
FINANCE: REVIJA TOP GRADBENISTVO-Dvanajst izzivov in priložnosti za gradbeništvo-str 51. 


GRADNJA ZUNAJ GRADBIŠČA: Offsite construction is a general term that encompasses various methods of constructing building elements or modules away from the actual construction site. This includes prefabricated and precast construction, as well as other innovative techniques. The key feature of offsite construction is the partial or complete preparation of building components offsite before they are transported and assembled at the final location.

PREFABRICIRANA GRADNJA: Prefabricated construction refers to the process of manufacturing building components or modules offsite in a controlled environment and then transporting them to the construction site for assembly. These prefabricated elements are often produced in a factory or production plant and can include walls, floors, roofs, and other building components. The assembly of these prefabricated elements on-site results in a faster and more efficient construction process compared to traditional on-site construction.

GRADNJA Z ARMIRANIM BETONOM: Precast construction is another form of prefabricated construction that involves producing concrete elements, such as walls, columns, beams, and slabs, in a controlled environment away from the construction site. These precast elements are cured and then transported to the site for assembly. Precast construction offers advantages such as enhanced quality control, faster construction, and minimized on-site labor requirements.

MODULARNA GRADNJA: Modular construction is a specific type of prefabricated construction where buildings are constructed using standardized, pre-engineered modules or units. These modules are typically assembled into larger structures on-site. Modular construction offers a high degree of flexibility and can be used for a wide range of building types, from residential and commercial to institutional structures. The use of standardized modules allows for easier scalability, cost-effectiveness, and reduced construction time.