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    Arhiv: Z ATA zvezkom v Kazahstan

    Z ATA zvezkom v Kazahstan


     Država Kazahstan je postala 76. članica mednarodne garantne verige ATA zvezkov. Kazahstanski carinski organi bodo sprejemali ATA zvezke od 1. aprila 2017.

     Na ATA zvezek za začasni uvoz blaga v Kazahstan se dopiše: KZ Kazakhstan.

     Podrobnejše informacije za izvoznike:

    1. ATA Carnets will be accepted by the Customs of Kazakhstan under the WCO Convention on Temporary Admission (Istanbul Convention, 26 June 1990) and its following Annexes:

    -        Annex A concerning temporary admission papers (ATA Carnet and CPD Carnet)
    -        Annex B.1 concerning goods for display or use at exhibitions, fairs, meetings or similar events
    -        Annex B.2 concerning professional equipment
    -        Annex B.3 concerning containers, pallets, packings, samples and other goods imported in connection with a commercial operation
    -        Annex B.5 concerning goods imported for educational, scientific or cultural purposes
    -        Annex B.6 concerning travellers' personal effects and goods imported for sports purposes
    -        Annex B.7 concerning tourist publicity material
    -        Annex D concerning animals with a reservation in respect of Article 4, paragraph 1 of the Annex D and items 12 and 13 in the Appendix to the Annex D

    2. ATA Carnets are not accepted for postal traffic.

    3. ATA Carnets are accepted for transit.

    4. ATA Carnets are accepted for unaccompanied shipments.

    5. ATA Carnets must be completed in English. The Customs may require a translation of General list in Kazakh or Russian when ATA Carnets completed in English or any other language.

    6. All Customs offices in Kazakhstan are entitled to handle ATA Carnets during opening hours.





    Nacionalni elektronski register licenc za opravljanje prevozov v mednarodnem cestnem prometu (NER) je javno dostopna baza vseh
    podjetij in upravljavcev prevozov z veljavno licenco Skupnosti za mednarodni prevoz blaga in potnikov v cestnem prometu, ter licenc za opravljanje prevozov v notranjem cestnem prometu izdano s strani Gospodarske zbornice Slovenije ali Obrtno-podjetniške zbornice Slovenije  - izdajateljev licenc za prevoze v cestnem prometu.
