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Arhiv: Začetek veljavnosti dodatnih carinskih dajatev na uvoz nekaterih proizvodov po poreklu iz ZDA v EU, kot odziv EU na uvedbo dodatnih carinskih dajatev ZDA na uvoz določenih izdelkov iz jekla in aluminija iz EU

Evropska komisija je danes, 20. junija 2018, sprejela predlog Izvedbene uredbe Komisije o nekaterih ukrepih trgovinske politike v zvezi z nekaterimi proizvodi s poreklom iz ZDA in o spremembi Izvedbene uredbe (EU) 2018/724. Uredba bo 21. junija 2018 objavljena v Uradnem listu EU in bo začela veljati naslednji dan po objavi, 22. junija 2018.

Arhiv: Aprila smo beležili padec porabe električne energije v industriji

Po izraziti rasti februarja in marca smo aprila 2018 beležili rahel padec porabe električne energije v industriji glede na enako lansko obdobje, ki je znašal 1,3%. Pri tem so neposredni odjemalci beležili rast 7,8%, celotna poraba v Sloveniji pa je padla za 0,7%.

Arhiv: NAREDI VTIS!! Predstavitev v angleškem jeziku s katero boste izstopali

Registrirajte se za brezplačni webinar, ki bo 21.6.2018 med 14. in 15. uro.

Arhiv: DesAlps project

Arhiv: International Design Thinking Day

Ljubljana, 29 May 2018 - Over 150 participants from Slovenia, Austria, Italy, France and Germany discussed the integration of the design thinking process and the introduction of new innovative approaches that will lead to new custom tailored products and services. The event was organized as part of the DesAlps project in order to promote design thinking for innovation purposes in the ecosystem of the Alpine region.

Arhiv: What did we learn from our international Design Thinking trainings?

Since October 2017 we carried out several training actions in Design Thinking (DT). Starting with a 2-days DT Train the Trainer joint session in Germany, followed by three more DT training actions through cooperation among project partners in Slovenia, France and Austria.

Arhiv: 4 Kinds of Design Thinking

The Design Thinking (DT) approach has been described as the capacity of designers and professionals to face complex problems, reframing them through the identification of emerging themes: it’s an approach that looks at value and change from the people’s perspective and from the perspective of what is meaningful to people. In order to better understand the main features of such a "reframing process" very recently an investigation has been conducted by POLIMI on how DT could support enterprises. The main question is: “Design Thinking for Business: What Kind of Design Thinking Is Right for You?”