Od 1. oktobra 2021 se morajo vsa podjetja, ki izvažajo v Egipt, registrirati na spletni platformi CargoX na naslovu https://cargox.digital ter oddati e-vlogo ACI (advance cargo information) z informacijami o predvideni pošiljki.
1. Go to https://cargox.digital and click the blue button Create an account. 2. Enter company and personal details. Need help? Read the registration tutorial. 3. Create your own digital signature - the blockchain key 4. You can create a user profiles for your co-workers 5. Go to billing and choose the units package you need 6. Pay the proforma-invoice with a bank wire and learn about CargoX's automated self-service billing process that uses pro-forma invoices. 7. Click the red Get verified button and start the verification process 8. You can now submit Egypt ACI filing
Oddaja ACI vloge
Na spletni strani egipčanske carine https://www.nafeza.gov.eg/ so objavljeni ažurirani podatki o zahtevanih dokumentih, ki jih je potrebno priložiti pred posameznim izvozom. Za večino pošiljk morate pri vložitvi vloge ACI priložiti naslednje dokumente:
Odvisno od pošiljke bodo morda potrebni drugi dokumenti s spodnjega seznama:
Celoten postopek:
Vse informacije so na spletni strani https://help.cargox.digital/en/.
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