Ukrajinska gospodarska zbornica je pripravila novo interaktivno platformo IPD v podporo potencialnim partnerjem in investitorjem pri iskanju finančnih sredstev za njihove projekte v Ukrajini. Platforma zagotavlja informacije za vrste poslov, kot npr. investicijski projekti, greenfield in brownfield investivije ter start-up-e.
Zaradi pristnosti informacije dodajamo originalno sporočilo v angleščini:
With the present message we are glad to inform you about the launch of the "Investment Project Database" - IPD by the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
IPD is an interactive platform which it is aimed to foster cooperation between Ukrainian businesses and foreign partners, investors, to support them in search for financial resources for their projects and to make this process easy and efficient.
At the same time IPD is a handy tool for potential investors to find investment projects. IPD provides the user with all necessary information regarding investment proposals of all types: Investment projects, Greenfield and Brownfield proposals as well as Start-ups.
For more information please contact (Mr) Ievgen Kurulenko, Facilitation investment activities and regional development Dpt.:
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